There’s an age-old quote (I’m not entirely sure who first said it) that goes something like this: “It’s better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”

In a lot of ways I feel like that when it comes to source code. I love to talk about programming, and I’m more than happy to offer help on others’ projects, but I haven’t “opened my mouth” and shared much of my own source code.

Well, today I’m removing all doubt. I’ve uploaded the Halfwit source to Codeplex. You can grab a copy, have a read through, spend a few minutes getting over the “anti-pattern shock”, then build it for yourself.

The project was created in Visual Studio 2010 RC, but it’s .NET 3.5 SP1, so with a bit of hacking in the .sln or .csproj file you could probably get it to build in Visual Studio 2008.

Let me know how you go – I’m very new to this open-source thing, and may have forgotten to upload some critical file.